Thursday, October 5, 2023

Fast-and-Easy Path to American Citizenship Has Universalized Treason around the World

Hegel and Marx expounded on the dialectics of history. It seems ‘digestics’ is what animates America. A hyper-materialist society, America has turned consumerism as a metaphor for everything. According to Americanism, not only do people primarily exist to consume-dispose-consume-dispose-consume-some-more but they themselves are to be consumed and disposed with ceaseless intakes of new peoples of different races and cultures. The elites don’t see rooted, established, and existing Americans as a special people with history, heritage, and meaning. They see existing Americans as stale old masses to be replaced by endless servings of New Americans. So, historic European-Americans are just pieces of meat in a melting pot to be digested and excreted to make room for servings of New Americans.

Especially since individualist-materialist consumerism fixates Western attention on hedonism and vanity, it is assumed that white peoples in the West cannot sustain themselves. They are too much into fun & feasting to prioritize family & future. So, let white people have a good time and then make way for New Arrivals since white people (1) don’t have enough kids and (2) no longer care for their roots and heritage anyway.
Of course, in time, even immigrant groups and their children will be 'Westernized' and experience plummeting birthrates as their main priority will be short-term self-interest than racial-cultural survival. In time, even non-whites in the West will go the way of whites. (Such a view would indicate that the modernity is a success in creating things but a failure in creating life. Since modern nations can make things but can’t make life, they rely on non-modern nations to produce life for export to the modern world. But then, immigrant groups, upon being modernized, will also become deficient in creating life and will have to be replaced by waves of newer arrivals. To be sure, there’s a good chance that non-whites, due to lower IQ and other problems, won’t become properly modernized, in which case they will either continue to produce life but not things or fail to produce both life and things.) On that basis, the elites insist that the only way to sustain the population is to bring in more New Peoples. The message for Europeans and Americans, especially white ones, is that they shouldn’t bother about marriage and children if such get in the way of fun, career, or self-fulfillment in tune with latest fashions. White women should fixate on careers, make money, and blow it all on themselves on shoes, travel, fancy food, and loose sex. Men should forever remain boys hooked on video games, hobbies, and recreation. The main purpose of jobs is to make money to spend, spend, and spend. And nothing has any lasting value. New items are soon old items to be tossed out to make room for newer items.
And what goes for TVs, appliances, and clothes also goes for peoples. Americans no longer have any identity or history. (If there is a historical narrative, the message is 'America is all about immigration', i.e. American history is about replacing existing peoples with new ones. This history is not remembrance of things worth preserving but reminder that everything must be replaced or reinvented.) They are just consumers who live for fun, work for fun. Old people are warehoused in nursing homes while the grandchildren grow up identifying with pop idols and celebrities as ‘role models’ or demi-gods. For spirituality and uplift, there is Homomania or Queertianity. For truth and ‘poetry’, there is Rap music and Magic Negro cult. For ideas, there are PC slogans to chant for the hive-minded.

When it comes to consumerism, of course we want things to be fast-and-easy. Who wants to stand in long lines for ice cream or hamburgers? Who wants to go through hassles and complications to buy a TV or a car? But at some point in American history, the consumerism went from convenience(a good) to compulsion. (Consider the shopping habits or rituals of Americans during Black Friday sales.) People have to have it NOW and more of it. If you don’t have the money, use credit. Borrow and buy more. And don’t buy things because you really need or want them but simply for the thrill of buying. The ideal American according to the globalist formula is the shopoholic who shops until she drops and then shops some more. A shopoholic is addicted to the rush of acquiring new things. The things themselves matter less than the excitement of acquiring things. It doesn’t matter that what were bought goes unused, neglected, or forgotten. They are either pushed back in the closet and forgotten or tossed out to make room for new stuff and then newer stuff.

This kind of consumerism is vapid and shallow. It may be ‘good’ for the economy, at least if people can really afford the stuff instead of borrowing and spending what they can’t pay back. But it can’t be good for the soul because it’s a life fixated on flash and fashion. If rampant consumerism is bad for the soul, it is immeasurably worse when applied to people themselves? It’s one thing to regard Americans as insatiable consumers but quite another to see them as consumer items than as a people with a culture and history, which are priceless than about price tags. The current elites have a shopoholic attitude about the core European peoples of America. They see established or existing Americans as stale Americans. They are enthralled only with the prospect of acquiring ‘fresh’ peoples. Elites are no longer interested in established groups of Americans. Indeed, what need for groups and collective identities/memories when everyone is seen as an atomized individual disconnected and unbound to anything related to ethnos, history, or culture? A people are no longer unique; they are just units, like the 1's and 0's of digital coding. There’s no longer any nobility and passion in representing, defending, and preserving white Americans as a people-and-culture since they are seen as meaningless units and the same-old-same-old, just like a shopoholic woman has lost interest in shoes already stacked away in the closet. Her mind obsesses on getting New Pairs. Likewise, elites feel excitement only when salivating over New Americans to acquire.

The idea that there once was nothing but then something with the founding and construction of America, a magnificent creation deserving to be preserved in its essence, has faded from the narrative. European-America that had been envisioned and maintained was to be utterly transformed by endless waves of non-whites from around the world with the passage of the insane 1965 immigration law that handed over the keys of America to vicious Jews. That was the Trojan Horse moment in American History.

Statue of Liberty that used to represent (1) sharing of the light of freedom with the world and (2) offering opportunity to Europeans & Jews in the 19th century has come to represent the shopoholic mania of a soulless vapid America. There’s also the tear-jerking mendacity about ‘huddled masses’ and ‘refugees’.
After all, most immigrants today are not desperate people. They were not starving in their homelands. And many from Asia are well-educated and had decent jobs there. Also, as democracy has become dime-a-dozen around the world, most immigrants come from nations with free elections and basic human rights. They are not running from tyrants. And most of these nations have sufficient freedom for peoples there to fix problems and make progress.
But then, why would these people go through the hassle of improving their own nations when they can just get on a plane and fly to America for instant material improvement? Even if they overstay their visas, they can find ‘sanctuary’ in Treason Cities.

And why would the elites care about ‘tired and boring’ existing Americans when they snort New Americans like cocaine. The elites say the non-white immigrants are the Future, as if America can’t have a future without Future Peoples. I guess the elites have forgotten that new life can be created from wombs of existing Americans. Even with zero immigration, existing Americans have a future ahead of them if they are encouraged to favor family and life.
But then, women as mothers will work less and spend more on babies than on themselves. And men as fathers will save more for the family than spend and spend. Bad for consumerism as far as the elites are concerned. Besides, the cult of Diversity has infected elite minds with the notion that nothing is more fabulous than more colors and odors. Since most of the immigrants are non-white, it’s like elites shopping for different-colored shoes. And remember, more restaurants!!

Now, if the ‘naturalization’ process in America were a long and arduous, the elites wouldn’t be so thrilled in their shopo-demo-holism. It’s like consumers wouldn’t turn into shopoholics if it were difficult and painstaking to purchase items. It is because it’s so fun and easy to shop that people become addicted to shopping.
Likewise, it’s because the path to citizenship has been made so easy that the elites have become addicted to shopping for more immigrants, especially since the Current Year reverberates with chants of ‘Diversity is our strength, diversity is our strength, etc’. If diversity is indeed our strength, then nothing is more fab than for politicians and elites to ‘shop’ for New Americans. It’s like buying new stocks. The elite’s socio-political and moral status rises with their competitive bidding for more New Americans. With Diversity as the highest value, one can burnish one's reputation by advertising for more New Americans. After 9/11, America was all about shopping for more stuff and shopping for more New Americans. Cult of Diversity made the Yet-to-be-Americans more valuable than stale Been-here-done-that-Americans.
And this bug also infects Canada where elites compete to gush about how they welcome diversity more than the next guy does. Justin Trudeau isn’t a leader of his people. He’s a shopoholic for New Canadians. Canadians, as they’d come into existence since the founding, no longer matter. They are regarded as old, boring, and tired. It doesn’t matter if they’re young. All white people are deemed ‘old and boring’, and they have no right to defend their identity and territory. With Diversity as the religion of the land, the only purpose of whites is to increase Diversity like a dairy farm is to increase the production of milk.

Now, what makes sense in one realm doesn’t for another. We all want ease and convenience in commerce. We want stores and services to be quick and efficient. But when the same logic is applied to humans themselves, it spells doom for culture and civilization. Consider the film KOYAANISQATSI where people as consumers seem indistinct from what they consume. A society so obsessed with cycles of consumption and disposal comes to regard consumerism as metaphor for everything, even everyone. As Americans are now regarded mainly as consumers and disposers, eaters and shitters, they too have no meaning outside such processes. As such, they themselves are regarded as existing to be consumed and disposed. As far as the elites are concerned, the ‘old and tired’ white Americans had their turn. They are not people with culture and heritage worth defending and prolonging. They are like people at McDonalds or a movie theater who must clear the seats so that new customers or audience will take their place. They are like burgers being digested into fecal matter to be shat out. As the logic goes, if hamburgers have no right to stay in the stomach forever and must pass through the bunghole to make way for future burgers, why should white Americans hold onto America as their homeland? Elites just see it as clogging the system. Globalism says whites had their fun, the jig is up, and it's time for others to take their place. Or whites are to be distracted with mindless fun while they’re replaced by New Americans who supposedly deserve their turn at careers and leisure until they too are replaced by Newer Americans and so forth and so on.

For Globo-America to run smoothly, amnesia is crucial. If Americans don’t know or care about their history and heritage, they won’t feel that they have anything worth defending or preserving. As for basic historical lesson, just poison the well of memory and invalidate the white saga so indispensable to America’s founding and development. Thus, whites feel guilt than pride about their history, resigning themselves to collective suicide to redeem the legacy of ‘white privilege’.
Needless to say, Jews don’t feel this way about their own identity, history, and heritage. Jews do retain a sense of history linked to a sense of prophecy. The reason why Jews push amnesia onto white goyim is to control them. After all, humans with memory control animals without memory. Why is the devious detective able to run circles around the tragic hero in Chris Nolan’s MEMENTO? Because the cop has a functioning memory whereas the hapless hero couldn’t store new memory since his wife’s murder. Granted, some Jews are getting high on their own supply and may end up self-destructing like the rest. But as of now, Jews have the advantage because they insist on identity, heritage, and history. Even as Jews urge gentiles to become a globalized mass of zombie-like consumers(or consumbies), they guard their blood-narrative, soil of Zion, and seal of Covenant.
Indeed, the reason why Jews push amnesia on gentiles is because any people with autonomy of identity and narrative will define and defend their own sense of history, urgency, and destiny. Imagine if cows had intelligence and memory of their own. Would they take orders from ranchers who use them as cattle? Cows don’t know whence they came and where they’re going. Likewise, would so many white people act like cattle if they weren’t spellbound with amnesia(via pop culture) and ‘white guilt’(via Political Correctness)? White masses are corn-fed on mindless pleasure and cattle-prodded with PC. Fixated on fun and guilt, they fail to see the big picture.
It’s also paradoxical that Jews would push so much fun and pleasure on a people deemed so guilty and undeserving. If indeed whites must atone and be punished for their sins, why should they be encouraged to indulge themselves at movies, concerts, casinos, malls, eateries, etc.? Shouldn’t the People of Guilt be punished with pain and deprivation, like criminal convicts in prison? And yet, Jews tell whites to have as much fun as possible.
Why? For two reasons. One is white consumption makes Jews richer because Jews control much of finance, commerce, and vice industries like gambling and drugs. The other reason is a people addicted to revelry and pleasure are like stupid children primed for manipulation. If white people were sober, disciplined, and moral — as Anglo-Americans once were — , they might unite and stand as a brick wall against Jewish filth and deviousness. But if white people are given to debauchery like Lola in BLUE ANGEL, they can be bought and sold with money. And those tempted by the seductress will succumb to disrepute and even end up destitute, with Jews holding all the cards in the end. Consider what happens to the professor in the Josef von Sternberg's film.

But the negative effect of mass replacement by endless immigration isn’t only on white Americans. After all, the New Americans will, in turn, become Old Americans when their time is up and then be chewed out and replaced by Yet Newer Americans. Furthermore, because the US is the land of amnesia and hedonism, the children of the New Americans will grow up as soulless zombies who favor leisure of the now over longevity between past and future. They will treat sex like fast food. Also, the New Americans, in speedy exchange of their own identity for the soulless neo-American consumerism, will be relinquishing their roots and culture for naked material interests, albeit masked with the faux-culture and pseudo-values of PC.

Now, let us imagine how things might have been more meaningful for everyone IF the process of ‘naturalization’ had been arduous, demanding, challenging, and difficult. It would have been better for the pride and security of white Americans as the founders and builders. And it would have been better for non-white wanna-be-Americans since they would have been made conscious of the full implications of their decision to abandon their own lands, peoples, and cultures for America.

Suppose the path to citizenship required 20 yrs than mere 5 years. And suppose every would-be immigrant, prior to arriving in the US, must answer 10 questions pertaining to their born identities & loyalties and new identity and loyalty as ‘Americans’.

These Questions would be devised to make the would-be-immigrant think twice about emigration. After all, permanently moving to another nation is essentially an Act of Treason. You’re basically abandoning and rejecting your original/born identity, culture, lineage, and loyalty to take on a new identity and pledge new loyalties. Especially if you’re moving from a nation/civilization with deep culture and tradition, you’re surrendering something so rich and meaningful to adopt a new identity of a wholly different nation. In the case of the US and the modern West, the only theme is the Cult of Fashion(of the New) than Concern for Tradition. The Current Americanism requires all peoples to favor amnesia over memory. The only exception is the Jews, who’ve manipulated the system so that all goyim will be turned into blank slates while they themselves remain a people of the written scroll that reaches back into ancient times.

When people do trivial things, it doesn’t require much thought. For instance, if you want to buy an ice cream cone or watch a movie, it doesn’t much matter because you’re just seeking momentary pleasure. But in deciding to permanently move to another nation where your descendants will be born and dissolve into a 'melting pot', one has think deep and hard about the move. It’s like people should really think twice about having an abortion or getting tattoos. An abortion is far more serious than getting a haircut or having nails clipped. You’re killing a human life growing inside you, and there may be emotional scars later, that is if you’re a person of conscience. And getting a tattoo means you are stuck with that ugly stuff forever. Do you really want to do something that will mark or define you for life? Or consider gender-assignment surgeries. It’s such a drastic undertaking that the patient must be absolutely sure what he or she is getting into. It isn’t a decision to make lightly. Or it’s like changing religions. Surely, if a Christian wants to become a Muslim or vice versa, he should really think hard about what he is doing. It’s not just a mind game but a fundamental shift in spiritual beliefs, commitments, and loyalties. It should never be done lightly. This is why Evangelicals who push Jesus onto others like candy are shallow idiots, not unlike the globalists who want to pass out American Citizenship like flyers. While we can understand why Evangelicals want to save souls and bring others to the love of Jesus, they should also be mindful of the fact that there are other rich, deep, and meaningful spiritual systems. So, if non-Christians are to convert to Christianity, Evangelicals should at the very least inform potential converts of the profound changes that will follow. It’s like marriage or divorce is not something to be handled lightly. Marriage means you are committed to the person for life. And divorce could mean emotional scars, legal complications, and worst of all, trauma for the children.
Some things don’t require fundamental shifts or change of commitments. Deciding to buy a new music CD is nothing compared to, say, deciding to join the military. The latter requires tough training, years of duty, and the possibility of killing other people and being killed or being crippled for life. Some decisions should not be made lightly. And yet, immigration is now treated like the most easy, fun, painless, and natural thing. Not only are globalist Western elites calling on non-whites to come in droves but non-white elites are telling their own people to flock to other nations. Now, if the elites of a nation are proud of their identity and tradition, why would they encourage their own people to give up their own nations, move to other nations, and pledge loyalty to other governments(that could even be enemies)?

For the longest time, neither China nor Japan allowed foreigners to enter or their own people to leave. They saw foreigners as invaders, and they didn’t want their own people to go to other lands and work for the enemies/rivals. Japanese didn’t want their own people to become New Chinese and possibly serve China against Japan. And Chinese felt the same way. But then, Western Powers forced China and Japan open, and both nations realized that they must learn new ideas from the West and build their own technologies to defend themselves. So, ideas and goods should move freely, but the nation-states should still maintain border controls. But this wasn’t so easy, especially as imperialist nations began to carve up China. With China being unable to keep foreigners out, they got into the habit of moving to foreign lands. Also, due to pressures of increasing population, there was the temptation to dump the poor folks to the wide open spaces of the New World.

The modern world gave rise to both nationalism and anti-nationalism. With centralized state power, mass communication, and public education, more people could be brought together under a shared national identity. Thus, Russian peasants who’d only known their local village and customs began to think more in terms of their shared Russian-ness with other Russians. And the rise of Turkey owed to modern political influences from the West. So, more people than ever before gained shared/collective pride as member of a nation.

But modernity also facilitated movements of peoples via ships and then airplanes. The world grew smaller. And people being organisms, they were tempted to move to other places IF they could have better material lives. Modern Turkey is very nationalist, and yet, so many Turks have left Turkey for Germany and other European nations because they want more money and welfare. And the Turkish government, like the Mexican government, promotes both nationalism and immigrationism, a great irony. If indeed Turkish elites are so proud of being Turks, why would they want Turks to abandon their own nations and move, often permanently, to other nations? Won’t these Turkish emigrants be abandoning their own identity and culture? If indeed Turks become ‘New Germans’ and if Germany and Turkey end up in a war, won’t the Germanized Turks be fighting against Turkey? But then, Turks may feel that Turks who emigrate to Europe will likely retain their identity. In other words, they aren’t so much immigrants in Germany but colonizers. As white Europe is aging, dying, and losing faith in God and nation, why shouldn’t the more virile and vital Muslim folks move and take over?

Same kind of double-think may operate among Mexican elites. In a way, it makes little sense for proud Mexicans to encourage Mexicans to move to Gringo-Land and serve goddamn Gringos. But, Mexicans can smell the blood that Gringo has lost his mojo-ez. Gringo is cucked out and decadent. So, Mexicans who move to the US aren’t so much switching loyalties and siding with Gringos against Mexico but carrying out Reconquista of the lands back from Gringos who’d humiliated the ‘tacoheads’ in the Mexican-American War and been making Westerns were Mexicans are usually ridiculous, albeit endearing, characters like Ramon in THE BIG COUNTRY and Pedro in RIO BRAVO.

Anyway, moving to another nation is not something to be taken lightly. The reason why it’s become a New Normal is because globalism has undermined nationalism and patriotism. It has severed identity from its roots. Globalism says no people, except Jews, have an organic connection to their ancestors, lands, cultures, and traditions. All identities are just like baseball cards to be traded back and forth. Identities are to be traded like currencies or bought and sold on the demographic stock market. We don’t trade in slaves anymore but in entire peoples. Even though people feel free in having easier access to other parts of the world, they’ve become a new kind of 'slaves' because they’ve lost the meaning of who they are really are. They’ve been cut off from their roots and chained to migratory patterns where the ONLY consideration is material interest, hedonism, and self-indulgence. So, if you live in Nation A and if moving to Nation B will make you richer, your identity and loyalty easily shift to Nation B.

Paradoxically, the only people who resist such mindset, the Jews, are the ones who are pushing it most fervently on other peoples. Why? Because Jews want gentiles to be adrift as rootless economic units whose loyalties can be sold to the highest bidder. Since Jews got the most money, they can buy the loyalties of most people. Look at the minions of George Soros al over the world. With their mega-stash of gold, Jews can dish out thirty pieces of silver to so many gentiles who, having been culturally hollowed out by Pop Culture and intellectually reprogrammed by PC, are easily sold to the money changers.

Now, let’s consider a hypothetical where every would-be-immigrant is fully warned of what he is committing to IF he decides upon permanent emigration to another nation. He would be informed of the profound implications of his decisions on the political, cultural, and even spiritual level. And it wouldn’t be just about him but his ancestors and descendants. After all, if he adopts the identity and narrative of another nation, his descendants will likely drift from his identity & culture and forget his ancestors in the ‘old country’.

So, what would the questions posed to the would-be-immigrant be? As follows.

1. Are you proud of your people, culture, and history? Do you feel a deep attachment to your people and land? If so, why do you want to abandon your nation and come to live in America where your culture and identity won’t be central and will likely be rejected, neglected, or forgotten by your children and grandchildren? If you’re non-white, do you find white people to be superior? Why do you want to move to a nation envisioned and built by white pioneers? Do you believe white people do everything better, whereas your people, being inferior and hopeless, will never achieve the levels of wealth and success found in Anglo-built America?

2. What is your main motivation for wanting to permanently move to another nation and replace your existing deeply rooted identity with a new one based largely on consumerism, careerism, and recreation? Are you motivated by idealism or materialism? Are you willing to abandon your own identity, people, and culture just to have better material life in America?
Or do you value individualism and freedom that you believe are enshrined by Rule of Law in America? But if you long for more freedom and individualism, why don’t you struggle for them in your own nation? Are you and your people incapable of working together for greater liberty and rule of law? Are you and your ilk so lazy, cowardly, craven, and stupid that you people can’t attain those things on your own and must move to white-founded-and-built nation to enjoy them?
Or if your nation is free and democratic but saddled with rampant corruption, why don’t you get together with your countrymen to organize movements for reform? Why do you shirk your responsibilities at home while you seek to shunt off to America to enjoy the fruits of what other peoples, especially whites, have accomplished? If you admire the American Way, why don’t you do something to realize similar improvements in your own nation? A true idealist doesn’t run away from the problems of his own people to enjoy paradise built by another people. He rolls up his sleeves and struggles to make things better for his own nation and people. The West didn’t become rich and successful because white people ran to success created by others. It was because men and women of values and ideals acted on their convictions to construct something out of nothing, thus transforming a wilderness into a civilization. But you don’t want to serve or improve your own nation. You just want to run from problems to easy solutions in America created by other peoples. You don’t want to do the homework for your own people in your own nation. You want to go to America and live off the homework done by whites. Are you ashamed of yourself? What kind of shameless craven tard are you anyway?

3. Are you aware that America was created by taking land from the native populations? If childish Indian savages were the original owners of America, then why do you want to join the white race in furthering the conquest of America and render Indians into yet a smaller minority. If it was tragic for Indians to lose their lands to Europeans, isn’t it doubly tragic for Indians to lose their land to peoples from all over the world? If whites took land from Indians, isn’t the moral obligation of whites to take good care of Indians than open up the New World to yet more invasions from all over?

There’s a good chance that your people had also been colonized by Europeans although not ethnically pogrom-ed off the land as Indian were. Aren’t you relieved that your people regained your homeland and were liberated of foreign imperialism. As it stands, Indians lost their land and will forever live under ‘foreign’ white rule. So, why would your kind want to move to America and participate in an Eurocentric race-ist order that has permanently extinguished the hope of Indian Liberation?

Furthermore, even though our official creed is now ‘Diversity Is Our Strength’, the fact is Diversity is really the product of imperialism, conquest, mass rape, slave trade, and waves of invasive immigration. In North and South Americas, Diversity was forced on the natives by imperialists. And the presence of blacks to further the Diversity was the result of centuries of Slave Trade. So, if you come here to celebrate Diversity, you are participating in the Imperialist Saga.

4. Are you aware that the US not only developed as an imperialist power across the American continent but expanded its imperial reach overseas as well? Do you know that US imperialism and intervention in world affairs led to the deaths of millions in Asia and Middle East? Consider the US support of Japanese imperialism before the two empires butted heads in World War II. Think of US invasion of Philippines, US wars in Korea and Vietnam. Think of US actions in Guatemala and Iran. The invasion of Panama. Think of US colonial grab of Puerto Rico. Think of how the CIA and US mafia ran Cuba before Castro liberated it from Hyman Roth. And have you already forgotten the US invasion of Iraq and Libya that led to destruction of entire cities and deaths of 100,000s of lives? The US also aided terrorists in Syria to either topple or cripple the secular modern Assad regime. The US, being controlled by Jews, also supports the seemingly never-ending Zionist oppression and dispossession of Palestinians. Given the history and direction of US power and its imperialism, why do you want to move to America, work for the US economy, raise your kids to serve in the US military, and pay taxes to the US government when the US will use the added might(of immigrant labor and revenues) to expand its empire to terrorize and destroy more peoples and nations all over the world? Do you want to participate in American Imperialism? Do you want to work and pay taxes to fund the US empire that has caused so much harm in every corner of the world? Are you some kind of amoral freak? Haven’t you read Paul Craig Roberts? Or are you the kind of tard who got all your information from Jew-run CNN?

5. Are you a decadent or degenerate freak? If not, why would you want to come to America? Don’t you know that the current religion of the US is Homomania and Queertianity? Don’t you know that Americans now celebrate fecal penetration among homos? Don’t you know that America now fires, fines, and blacklists people who won’t acknowledge Bruce ‘Caitlyn’ Jenner as a ‘woman’? Don’t you know that US companies are obliged to use 50 gender pronouns? Don’t you know that Washington D.C., the capital of the US, is 10% homo and virtually all politicians are shills of heinous Jewish globalists? Why do you want to bring your children to America to be indoctrinated in public schools and by mass media(all controlled by Jewish globalists and their homo proxies) to praise, celebrate, and even worship homos and trannies? What kind of parent are you that you are willing to turn your children’s hearts, minds, and souls over to the devil of decadent and degenerate globalism just because you want to make more money, drive a fancy car, and live in a McMansion? You must be some kind of turd to expose your children to such filth. And do you know what American pop culture is? It is about keeping men boys forever, addicted to video-games and comic book culture. And it’s about turning girls into whores or ‘thots’ at the youngest age possible. The US influence will turn your son into an immature dork or a fruitkin. And your daughter will likely throw away her virginity at 15 and screw around like the disgusting Lena Dunham and Emma Sulkowicz. You must be some kind of degenerate freak yourself to want to come to America and expose your children to that kind of filth.
Aren’t you proud of your own history, culture, and values? Or are you already ersatz-Americanized via globalist media that are beamed into homes all across the world? Are you already a tard whose idea of culture is tattoos, piercings, and the umpteenth comic book movie? Are your kids already into rap or some other trashy music? Is your son already an Americanized idiot who imitates rappers and demented celebrities? Is your daughter already a thot-in-progress? You must be one lowlife shithead of a father. So, you couldn’t resist the worst aspects of American Pop Culture even in your nation and you want to come to America to wallow whole hog in degeneracy and filth. US may be rich, but it has a shithole culture, and you want to eat from it like a pig. Apparently, you have no feeling or connection to your own culture and history because, if you did, you would want to preserve it and defend it from the foulness of globalist US influence that is spreading like a plague all over the world. If you come to the US, a nutjob like Michio Kaku will just see you as a worker-consumer-tax-payer whose only purpose is to keep the economy running so that megalomaniacal geeks like him can invent technology to turn themselves into ‘gods’, like how Mason became Largo in BUBBLEGUM CRISIS.

6. Despite all the official crap about ‘equality’, do you know that the US is really about the royalty of the holy three: Jews, blacks, and homos? Both political parties must honor and praise Jews no matter what they do. Jews are the most powerful people in America and must be obeyed at every turn. And we must turn a blind eye to Zionist oppression of Palestinians. We must not protest our tax payer money going to Zionist tyranny. Do you want to take part in this evil? Don’t you have any sympathy for Palestinians? No? Why you dirty heartless bastard. Crazy Jews run the US, and moving to the US to serve Jews is like moving to Nazi Germany to lend support to the Wehrmacht. If Jews want more Wars for Israel, America must deliver. If Jews want to wreck the economies of Iran and Russia, all Americans must comply because all politicians are shills for Zion. Why would you want to participate in this monstrous system? Not only was the US created by ‘racist’ imperialism against childish Indian savages and not only did it develop by slave labor, but the US continues to be an aggressive nation hellbent on world domination. If anything, it is worse today because at least the Anglo-American elites of yesteryear had some conscience, some sense of honor, some sense of limits, some sense of magnanimity, some sense of Christian grace. Also, they didn’t deny their power and listened to criticism and were self-critical. In contrast, the current Jewish elites are utterly neurotic, psychopathic, sociopathic, megalomaniacal, egotistical, chutzpahlsy, and delirious. Even though they cause the most harm around the world, they pontificate like they’re moral paragons or eternal victims of the Shoah. If you come to the US, you will be serving this evil power. Do you even know WHY the Jews are ‘welcoming’ non-white folks like you? They just want to set goyim against goyim. If you’re Muslim, you know Jews are making White Christians in the military bomb your nation and make your life hell. But these same Jews then ‘invite’ your kind to America and make you hate White Christians. It’s pure misdirection. It’s the Jews who make whites hate, invade, and destroy Muslim nations. Jews run Hollywood and made all these movies and TV shows with ‘Muzzie’ baddies. But when you come to America, Jews will pretend to love you and set you against white gentiles as 'Islamophobes'. Why do you want to be played and manipulated by Jews? You must be a freaking idiot to want to come to America and be used as globots by the heinous Jewish imperialists.
And then, there are the blacks or Negroes. They are the other people deemed holy by the American Narrative. But in fact, blacks commit the most crime, destroy entire cities, degrade academic standards, holler like lunatics, and tell lies upon lies. Even though most blacks have most to fear from other blacks, the insane BLM movement made believe that innocent law-abiding blacks were being gunned down by ‘racist’ white supremacist police. If you want to run some store in a big city, there’s a good chance some crazy ‘groids’ will loot it like they did in Ferguson in the name of justice for Michael Brown, a fat thug who got shot for charging a police officer who was only doing his duty. As blacks are revered as ‘kangz’ in America, rappers are treated like poet laureates and prophets. But all they yammer about is ‘biatches’, ‘muh gun’, ‘muh bling’, ‘muh dick’, ‘muh attitude’. Why would you want to bring your kids to a nation and raise them to imitate crazed blacks who imitate drunken apes?
And then, there’s the Homos. Maybe you know that some people are born homo and like to do ‘gay’ stuff. Okay, live and let live, I guess. But in the US, Jews via control of media-academia-finance-entertainment, have turned homos into the angels and saints of America. Even though HIV epidemic spread because homos were buggering one another in bathhouses from coast to coast, Americans are forced to believe that homos were just hapless and innocent victims, oh boo hoo hoo. And if you open a pastry shop, you better bake a cake to service a ‘gay wedding’. If you don’t, you will be sued and destroyed financially. And Antifa thugs will attack you in the streets while hideous Jews giggle with glee like the demon girl in Fellini’s TOBY DAMMIT. Do you still want to come to America? If yes, you must be some kind of disgusting freak yourself.

7. Do you care about the environment? If you do, why do you want to come to America, consume more energy than you are now, and add to the carbon footprint to the planet? Studies show that when people come to America, they drive bigger cars like SUV’s and live in McMansions. They use more energy of all kinds and add more CO2 into the air. Don’t you care about the planet? Also, as an American, you will likely eat a lot of beef, and that means more cattle, and that means more cow fart which adds lots of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Why would you want to become a stupid fat American eating all those burgers, driving an SUV, and living in a McMansion? It’s bad enough we have enough stupid Americans messing up the planet. Why would you want to be yet another fat stupid American? Why don’t you do us a favor and stay in your nation and live within your means and be more environmentally-minded. We have enough gross fat Americans who use excessive energy and befoul the planet with auto exhausts and cow flatulence.

8. Do you know that financial sector is the biggest share of the US economy? The US has manipulated, abused, and fleeced the world with Wall Street fraud and Dollar supremacism. If you come to America and if your kids do well in school, there’s a good chance they too will work in the financial sector and facilitate more predatory fraud around the world. Why don’t you stay in your own nation and make money the honest way than coming to America and goading your kids to go to business school, join Wall Street, learn dirty tricks, and make lots of money by making or producing nothing? The last thing the US needs is more financial sharks. It needs more Real Economy. The problem is immigrants come to the US and work to expand stupid bubbles that distort the economy for everyone. Consider all the Hindu dotkins who played a key role in the Bubble in the 1990s. And the Housing Bubble that nearly KO’ed the world economy owed much to providing easy loans to tons of immigrants and even illegal aliens who bought houses they couldn’t really afford. The US economy is seriously distorted and, in turn, distorts the entire world. The fact that you want to join this bubble economy means you’re sick in the head. Why don’t you want to stay in your own nation and build up some honest industries?

9. Do you want to aid and abet in Jewish Supremacism and oppression of Palestinians? While the US has many groups, some are more equal than others, and no group is as ‘more equal’ than the Jews. Jews use their great power to force all groups to support the Zionist Occupation and Oppression of Palestinians. What kind of lowlife sicko are you that you want to come to the US and aid in the oppression of Palestinians and other peoples? Why do you hate the Palestinians? Why do you want to work in the US and pay taxes into the system that funds the terrible Zionist tyranny over Palestinians. You must be a sadistic bully with a hole where there should be a soul. So, you’re the kind of lowlife who’s willing to come to America and pay taxes to support the oppression of Palestinians just because you want your SUV, McMansion, and 5 burgers per serving. Have you seen a spiritual counselor recently? You should because you are willing to take thirty pieces of silver and oppress Palestinians.

10. Why do you want to kill your own people? If you’re Chinese, there’s a chance that US and China will be at war. If that happens, you will have to support the US as it drops bombs and murders countless innocent dog-eaters and cat-torturers. Are you a Muslim? Then, you must surely know that Jewish-run America uses its military and economic sanctions to target, subvert, and destroy any Muslim or Arab nation hated by Israel. Are you some lowlife Muslim cuck(with brains rotted from too much cousin-mating) who takes pleasure in coming to America and paying taxes to support a system that drops bombs on Muslims, forcing them into refugee status?
Or if you’re from Latin America, you must know of the long US history of exploitation of nations and peoples south of the border. Look what Hyman Roth did to Havana in THE GODFATHER PART 2. Jews and Anglo-Americans have been using Latin America as their backyard. They’ve been invading, bullying, and exploiting Latin America. And yet, your dream is to come to the US and work for gringo and pay taxes into the Yanqui Empire so that the US will continue pushing around Latin American nations? Are you loco?
And if you’re African, why do you want to run from fellow blacks and come to a white-built nation? Are you a ‘racist’? In America, ‘racist’ whites take flight or white flight from black areas. That is deemed discriminatory or bigoted. And yet, you want to take flight from fellow blacks and come to white Europe or white-founded America. Are you a self-loathing black ‘racist’ who runs from fellow blacks and come to live with ‘whitey’? Are you really that disgustingly ‘racist’? If you got talent and brains, why don’t you work to improve and fix your ‘shithole’ nation? If you got shit all over, clean it up. Don’t run from your own shit. Are you too lazy to fix your own problems? Then, you are reinforcing ‘racist’ stereotypes of blacks being lazy, indolent, and irresponsible. There’s a ‘racist’ stereotype that black men are prone to getting women pregnant and then shirking their duties and running off to hump more whores. Do you see your own nation as a ‘whore’ to run from? Do you want to confirm the ‘racist’ stereotype of blacks as carefree ‘groids’ who won’t be their brothers’ keepers?

*Bonus Question. If you believe that white Americans should be replaced by non-white New Americans, do you support the same fate for your own nation? Should foreigners take over your own nation and fundamentally change its demography? Do you mind if that happens? What? You’re not worried about that since your nation sucks and no one wants to come to it anyway?

Anyway, if after considering all the above questions, if your answer is still, "Yes, I want to come to America", then our decision is NO, YOU CAN’T COME because the fact that you still want to come to America after being so warned means that you’re a trashy, shallow, and disgusting person. As the US has enough trashy, shallow, and disgusting people, it doesn’t need MORE.
So, stay home and fix up your own nation.

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